A heartwarming event spreading awareness and support for the association

On June 18th, Gramatneusiedl (Lower Austria) hosted a remarkable event that showcased the spirit of generosity and community. Within the bike tour was organized by the city of Gramatneusiedl, our association “Lasst uns MDS heilen” was allowed to operate the refreshment stand.

Susanne and Gerald, esteemed board members, were at the heart of this circuit.

They organized and managed the replenishment booth, where drinks and food were available for a voluntary donation. Every single donation made during the event was dedicated to supporting the initiatives of the association. The booth, buzzing with activity, welcomed over a hundred visitors who showed their solidarity and support.

Matteo, a brave 5-year-old, and Philipp, a resilient 25-year-old, both living with MECP2 gene duplication syndrome, were present. Their inspiring presence shed light on the challenges faced by individuals affected by this rare condition and amplified the significance of the event’s mission.

The success of this event was further magnified by the invaluable help of friends and supporters, who volunteered in organizing and operating the booth while proudly wearing the colors of the association. The event turned into a truly unforgettable success.

We would also like to emphasize the company Stiegl, who donated all the drinks! Furthermore, delicious pastries incl. coffee and delicious spreads were provided.

Reflecting on the event, Gerald says: “Ich bin überwältigt und unendlich dankbar” (I am overwhelmed and infinitely grateful). Gerald is overwhelmed by the numerous volunteers who dedicated their time and energy, grateful for the vibrant and pleasant atmosphere that prevailed throughout, in awe of the significant number of visitors who joined, moved by the immense willingness to contribute and make a difference, and heartened by the visitors’ curiosity and interest in learning more about the condition.

Susanne also shared her feelings, exclaiming, “Was für ein toller Tag. Ich konnte und wollte meine Freudentränen nicht unterdrücken” (What a great day. I couldn’t and didn’t want to hold back my tears of joy).

She expressed her heartfelt appreciation for everyone who made the event a resounding success for their association. Thinking back about the event, Susanne says “ Für mich war dieser Tag einer der emotionalsten seit Beginn unserer Reise.“ (For me, this day was one of the most emotional since the beginning of our journey.)

She confesses “Es gibt kaum etwas Schlimmeres als Hoffnungslosigkeit und sein Kind leiden zu sehen.” (There is hardly anything worse than feeling hopeless and seeing your child suffer).

Their journey continues with renewed hope and determination for their son Philipp, knowing that they are not alone.

Susanne concludes: “Danke vielmals an alle, die diesen Tag zu so einem guten Tag für unseren Verein machten. 1000 Danke“ (Many thanks to all who made this day, such a good day for the association.)

Thanks to the collective efforts of the organizers, volunteers, visitors and supportive sponsors, a total of 1500 euros was raised by the association, showcasing the incredible power of unity and compassion when directed towards a worthy cause.

We thank Leni, Barbara, Ingrid, Nina, Robert, Hubert, Gerlinde, Albert, Susanne, Andi-Bub, Emilian and Marie for the invaluable help.

Our association would like to thank again the company Stiegl for the generous donation of drinks. Furthermore, we would like to thank the insurance office Klapa for the organization and the opportunity to present our association and the pastry shop Hirnich, for providing the cakes.

Many thanks also to Liebesblick for the beautiful material (T-shirts, bags, stickers).

Last but not least a big thank you to dear Silvie, who sponsored our association’s shirts!!!

The press was also present! The event was featured in two local newspapers.

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Aleix and his parents talk about life with MECP2 duplication syndrome

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