DupMECP2 – Lasst uns MDS heilen appears in an Austrian newspaper

Within the bike tour was organized by the city of Gramatneusiedl, our association “Lasst uns MDS heilen” was allowed to operate the refreshment stand. The event and the association were presented in the “Nieder Österreich Nachrichten”.

Find the article below (Translated from German).

Photo from Manuela Schwarz, from left to right: Gerald & Susanne mit Philipp Molnar, David, Matteo & Caroline Covini

Cycling for a good cause

Written by Manuela Schwarz on the 21st of June 2023

The city of Gramatneusiedl recently organized a charity bike tour to support research on the rare disease MECP2 Duplication Syndrome. Around 150 cyclists participated.

Simultaneously with the Fire Department festival, there was a recent charity bike tour in Gramatneusiedl for a good cause, starting and ending at the main square of the Fire Department. Numerous cyclists then replenished themselves with the homemade delicacies of the Fire Department.

The charity bike tour was organized by the Gramatneusiedl partnership. The association supports children with MECP2 Duplication Syndrome, a rare and progressive neurological disorder that affects Philipp Molnar from Gramatneusiedl. His father, Gerald Molnar, head of the association, and a befriended couple, Caroline and David Covini, who are both involved in research, also have a son named Matteo who suffers from MDS. Together, they are trying to advance research and improve the quality of life for affected children through donations, such as those raised during the charity bike tour, in which around 150 cyclists participated.

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